Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Have So Much To Say

but I can only say this.

Shiloh has weaned.  I am sad.  I am, like with Solomon, not ready.  Just another bruise on my pretty battered heart...


Elena said...

I am so sorry. I remember how you felt w/ Solomon and how hard it was for you. I'll be praying for you Amber. Call or text fest if you need to vent about ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Weaning is SO hard. I cried for weeks when I had to wean Dakota. Sorry you're feeling heart broken. It will get better <3

KelliAnn Christensen said...

Oh, I am so sorry, Amber. I hope Lainee wants to nurse as long as Kaitlyn did, but I know each kid is different. I know you much be pretty heart-broken right now. I love you.